I’ve done a quiz recently. It is a quiz on how well we know about what’s happening in the world. Sadly I just got half correct and I found that I have quite a lot of misconceptions about the global trend. You know, when I checked the answers, I just thought that some of them couldn’t be true, but it is! I found I got a wrong picture about the world, probably due to media misinformation or stereotyping, as well as my obsession with certain “facts”.
Go to test yourself how much you know about the things that are happening around us. It is a very good test to correct our obsession of some “facts” that we commonly know. Take a paper out and mark down your choice. I’ve put the answer in the “comment” session following this post.
1. Complete this statement: "Bicycle production has decreased over the last decade in every world region except in..."
A. Europe
B. Africa
C. Asia
2. What energy source was consumed most in 2000, after fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas?
A. Hydropower and traditional biomass
B. Nuclear
C. Solar
3. Which country—the United States, Saudi Arabia, or the former Soviet Union—produced the most oil in 1950? In 2003?
A. United States; Soviet Union
B. Soviet Union; Saudi Arabia
C. United States; Saudi Arabia
4. In 2002, United States residents emitted how much more carbon dioxide than residents of India?
A. 2 times as much
B. 17 times as much
C. 23 times as much
5. Which country leads the world in photovoltaic (solar cell) production?
A. United states
B. Japan
C. Sweden
6. Which country was home to the most Internet users in 2001?
A. Japan
B. United States
C. China
7. Which European country has on average 1.6 mobile phone subscriptions for every person?
A. Czech Republic
B. United Kingdom
C. Luxembourg
8. In 2002, the world spent $_____ on military expenditures while the UN spent $_____ on peacekeeping.
A. $735 billion; $83.7 billion
B. $943 billion; $375 billion
C. $943 billion; $2.82 billion
9. True or False? China is projected to be the most populous country in the world in 2050.
A. False
B. True
10. In 2002, did the world consume more beer, coffee, or bottled water?
A. Coffee
B. Bottled Water
C. Beer
Photo and information Source: Worldwatch Institute
1 comment:
1. Complete this statement: "Bicycle production has decreased over the last decade in every world region except in..."
A. Europe
B. Africa
*C. Asia
Explanation: In Asia, the undisputed leader in bicycle production, the number of bikes manufactured increased from 68 million units in 1992 to 86 million units in 2002. Production has decreased slightly in Europe, down to 10.7 million bicycles in 1992. Africa's bicycle production—already very small—has dwindled steadily since 1990.
Source: Adapted from "Bicycle Production by Region, 1990-2002," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Bicycle Production Seesaws," in Vital Signs 2003.
2. What energy source was consumed most in 2000, after fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas?
*A. Hydropower and traditional biomass
B. Nuclear
C. Solar
Explanation: Hydropower and traditional biomass made up 15 percent of total energy consumption in 2000 (still a low figure compared to fossil fuels’ 77 percent share of the total). Nuclear power was a distant third, making up 6 percent of total energy consumption, while solar power and other “new renewables” constituted less than 2 percent of the total share.
Source: Adapted from “World Energy Consumption by Source, 2000,” Signposts 2004
For more information, see “Making Better Energy Choices,” in State of the World 2003.
3. Which country—the United States, Saudi Arabia, or the former Soviet Union—produced the most oil in 1950? In 2003?
*A. United States; Soviet Union
B. Soviet Union; Saudi Arabia
C. United States; Saudi Arabia
Explanation: In 1950, the U.S. produced 5.7 million barrels of oil per day, compared with Saudi Arabia's 0.5 million barrels and the Soviet Union's 0.7 million barrels. By 2003, however, the former Soviet Union dominated both other regions in oil production, nearing 10.5 million barrels per day.
Source: Adapted from "Oil Production Per Day in U.S., Saudi Arabia, & Former Soviet Union, 1950–2003," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Fossil Fuel Use Up," in Vital Signs 2003.
4. In 2002, United States residents emitted how much more carbon than residents of India?
A. 2 times as much
*B. 17 times as much
C. 23 times as much
Explanation: The U.S. emitted 5.2 tons of carbon per person, while India produced .3 tons per person. Overall, Americans emitted about twice as much carbon as residents of other major industrial nations.
Source: Adapted from "Carbon Emissions Per Person in Selected Countries, 2002," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Carbon Emissions and Temperatures Climb," in Vital Signs 2003.
5. Which country leads the world in photovoltaic (solar cell) production?
A. United states
*B. Japan
C. Sweden
Explanation: Japan produced 364 megawatts of solar power in 2003, 49 percent of the world total. The United States dominated the solar market until 1998, but now lags behind both Europe and Japan in solar cell production.
Source: Adapted from "Photovoltaic Production by Country or Region, 1994–2003," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Solar Cell Use Rises Quickly," in Vital Signs 2002.
6. Which country was home to the most Internet users in 2001?
A. Japan
*B. United States
C. China
Explanation: There were 166 million Internet users in the U.S. in 2001, compared with 47 million in Japan and 38 million in China.
Source: Adapted from "Top 10 Wired Nations by Number of Internet Users, 2001," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Internet Continues Meteoric Rise," in Vital Signs 2002.
7. Which European country has on average 1.6 mobile phone subscriptions for every person?
A. Czech Republic
B. United Kingdom
*C. Luxembourg
Explanation: Citizens of Luxembourg are completely mobile phone savvy. The Czech Republic is well plugged in, with 85 out of 100 inhabitants subscribing to mobile phone plans; In the UK, 84 out of 100 inhabitants have mobile phone subscriptions.
Source: Adapted from "Countries with Highest Ratios of Cell Phones to People, 2002," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Mobile Phone Use Booms," in Vital Signs 2002.
8. In 2002, the world spent $_____ on military expenditures while the UN spent $_____ on peacekeeping.
A. $735 billion; $83.7 billion
B. $943 billion; $375 billion
*C. $943 billion; $2.82 billion
Explanation: The world spent over 300 times more on military expenditures than on U.N. peacekeeping in 2002
Source: Adapted from "U.N. Peacekeeping Expenditures 1950-2003" and "World Military Expenditures 1950-2003," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Military Expenditures on the Rise" and "Peacekeeping Expenditures Down Slightly," in Vital Signs 2003.
9. True or False? China is projected to be the most populous country in the world in 2050.
*A. False
B. True
Explanation: False. India, with the second largest population in the world (behind China), is expected to exceed China's population by over 100 million people by 2050.
Source: Adapted from "World's Most Populous Countries, 2003, with Projections for 2050," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Linking Population, Women, and Biodiversity," in State of the World 2003.
10. In 2002, did the world consume more beer, coffee, or bottled water?
A. Coffee
B. Bottled Water
*C. Beer
Explanation: The world consumed more beer than coffee or bottled water—a total of 143 billion liters!
The world consumes roughly 139 billion liters of coffee and 131 billion liters of bottled water per year.
But consumption of bottled water is growing rapidly around the world—including by as much as 50 percent each year in new markets like India. With this growth has come a rising volume of plastic waste: in the United States, for example, ninety percent of all water bottles sold are thrown in the trash, not recycled.
Source: Adapted from "World Beverage Consumption, 1997-2002," Signposts 2004.
For more information, see "Soda Consumption Grows," in Vital Signs 2002 and Good Stuff?: Beverages.
~Hopefully the quiz can give you a clearer and truer picture about the global trend. ~
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