However, some mathematicians found that there is a surprising twist to this understanding. They used mathematics formula and calculation to find out the answer and have such conclusion”
If you are a person of typical build and the rain is
coming from behind you at the speed of a gentle walking pace, you will be hit by less rain if you amble along than if you run full pelt.
- “Why Do Buses Come in Threes? The Hidden Mathematics of Everyday Life” by Rob Eastaway, Jeremy Wyndham
Well, I haven’t thought about such question seriously before. It is so easy for us to ignore and neglect something which is so common in our everyday life. But I found that I’ll have much more funs if I pay a bit more attention to something so normal to me. One of the best examples is the hidden mathematics of our daily life. For example, what is the best way to cut a cake, why the honeycombs build as hexagons, why bad things always happen in threes, etc. All of such questions are related to mathematics. So even of the people who has math phobia are actually dealing with math everyday.
I highly recommend you guys to read the book Why Do Buses Come in Threes? by Rob Eastaway, Jeremy Wyndham. It is an easy-reading and fascinatic book that gives the amusing, interesting, and practical aspects of math around us, helps you to look your daily life with one more interesting perspective.
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