Friday, February 17, 2006

Sleeping - Way out for big decisions

Thinking hard about a complex decision will bamboozle our mind. Most people are only able to consider a subset of information or part of the multiple factors in conscious mind, which they may weight inappropriately and resulting in an unsatisfactory choice. Sleeping on a big decision, in contrast, the unconscious mind appears able to ponder over all the information and produce a decision that most people remain satisfied with, the scientists suggested.
How many big decisions I have ever made and how I made them? Those are the questions come up to my mind. Honestly, I can’t remember any big decision I made recently so far. Um….buying a car? Not really. I did spend some time to search but once I found the car I made the decision very soon. How about quitting my job to seek for further study opportunity? I couldn’t remember I had weighing up the pros and cons to come.
I thought I am a person who always makes snap decisions or judgments, with feeling or the sixth sense. Maybe it is a bit risky but I always remain lucky, happy and satisfy with the results produced, no matter it is wanted/expected or not. How lucky I am! Of course I am not always depend on luck, efforts sometime are required to make things nicer.

Related News: 'Sleeping on it' best for complex decisions -

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