Thursday, December 21, 2006
Fancy a Green Christmas
Monday, December 18, 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Tasmanian Devilry
Although Tasmania is famous for its natural environment and it is home to some of the world's tallest and oldest trees, its old growth forests are being logged at an unsustainable rate and a lot of them are being destroyed and replaced by mono-plantations. Some australia's threathen species (such as giant gum trees and Wedge-tailed Eagle) are also being threatened by these unsustainable logging practices and deforestation.

During my time in Tasmania, I passed through few old growth forests. It is really hard to see from outside about the logging and land clearance areas as the timber industrys are using some tricky "strategies" to avoid public attentions of their partices. A local Tasmanian told me that loggers will only remove the trees in the middle of the forests and they will leave about 5m-10m tree-fronts,which faces to the roads or highways. So, when tourists drive through they can still see a lot of trees and believe that deforestaions problem is sort of overstatement by environmentalists.
However, when i looked down from the plane, I could see there were a lots "big holes" in the middle of the forests, which are resulted from substantial land clearance and logging practices. It is believed that eighty percent of Tasmania's old-growth forests have already fallen victim to logging or development. Only 13% of all the island's Wet Eucalypt Forests are left.
Campaigning to raise public awareness of preventing the logging in Tasmania's old growth forest is always one of the major issue among the environmental NGOs in Australia. Recently, overseas paper companies such as Mitsubishi Paper Mills decided not to accept old-growth woodchips from Tasmania. This was a positive step forward for Tasmania’s environment and encouraging outcomes for the campaigners. However, since the timber industry is a major part of the stagnant Tasmanian economy, generating sales worth more that $1 billion and employing thousands, both the state and federal governments have stepped into the breach in order to protect the state economy. Some logging company even tried to sue protestors into silence.
The battle between NGOs, government and the timber industry is still a long way to go.
More Information: Environmental Destruction in Tasmania
Tasmania Forest Campaigns- The Wilderness Society
* Tasmania lies about 155 miles off the south coast of mainland Australia. It is about the same size as Ireland, and its population - 472,000 - is around the same as that of Liverpool.
* Only five per cent of Australia - the driest inhabited continent on Earth - is forested. Much of this is in Tasmania, Australia's southernmost state. Native forest covers around half of the island.
* Endemic, rare and endangered wildlife includes the Tasmanian devil, Forester Kangaroo, Fairy Penguin, Quoll and eleven bird species found nowhere else on Earth. The legendary Tasmanian Tiger, officially declared extinct in 1936, may still survive in remote parts of the ancient forests.
* Tourism in Tasmania - much of it centred on the state's wilderness - provided an
estimated 22,000 jobs in 2004; at least twice as many as the logging industry.TASMANIAN FORESTRY FACTS
* An average of 20,000 hectares of native forest are clearfelled and burned in Tasmania every year.
* 80,000 hectares of native forest have been converted to non-native plantations in the last seven years.
* Tasmania exports more woodchips than every other state in Australia combined; it is the only state that clears and woodchips native rainforest.
* An estimated 90% of wood taken from native forests on public land become woodchips, for export mainly to Japan. No more than 4% become sawn timber.
* In 2003, 14,600 hectares of native forest was clearfelled and burned. Only 6180 hectares - just over 40% - were replanted with native trees. The rest became fast-growing plantations or were converted to 'non-forest use'.
* The rate of logging in Tasmania has quadrupled over the last decade. Logging companies' profits, too, have steadily increased. Logging jobs, meanwhile, have declined. Five thousand jobs have been lost in the last 25 years, as the industry has mechanised and 'downsized.'- Source:
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Tasmania - The Land Apart

"If I was obligated to emigrate I certainly
should prefer this place..."
- Charles Darwin, On visiting Hobart Town aboard The Beagle in 1836
Unfortunately, just heard from the news that there is a serious bushfire in the Northern Tasmania. The fire has already burnt 11,500 hectares and the fire front was 70km wide. It is still not yet sure when the fire can be under controlled. I believed the fire must be a huge one as this news also appeared in Hong Kong's TV. I really hope that the fire will be put out asap with minimal impact to the lovely environment .
More photos: Oz-Tasmania Album
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Solar Powered Mobile Phone

Another cool toy (not PS3) is arriving Japan!
Just read from the news that solar powered portable phones begin to test by the Tokyosiders. But it sounds to me that the solar cell phone is still a untested prototype. Also,there is no indication if this gadget will go on sale . We may still need to wait for a long time for viable, self-contained power in our mobile phones.
News Link: Solar powered super phone!
Sydney Snap Shots

I have less than a week's time in Sydney. I'm sure the thing I'll miss most is the blue sky here!!
Photo Album: Oz-Sydney
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Aussie Diving Adventure

I joint a 5Day dive trip when i travelled in Cairns. That was the first time i lived in a boat for that long. I did 14 dives in the 5 days, including 2 night dives. The trip was fanstastic and it was so great to experience the underwater world.
(Photos are taken by my dive friends)
More photo: Oz-Diving Adventure
Thursday, November 09, 2006
A Mysterious Email
I received a mysterious email from a guy/girl called “John Smith”. I know somebody called “John” and also some of my friends’ last name is “Smith”. But I don’t remember I know someone called “John Smith”. I think she/he should know me as he knows my name although he missspelt my name "Sophia" as " Sophiya". More importantly, “John Smith” should be a person know me quite well as I really really love the email he wrote to me. Here is the email:
On 11/5/06, john smith wrote:
Hi there,
A joke for a special lady.
The inmate on death row was scheduled to be put to death by firing squad the follow morning. Throughout the day, the prison guards were being very nice to him. But when they asked him if he wanted something specific for his last meal, he said he didn't want anything special. When they asked if there was something special he wanted to do, he said nothing. It went on like this all day.
Finally, when he was put before the firing squad, the guard asked if he wanted a cigarette and a blindfold.
"No," the inmate said, "just get it over with."
"Well, is there anything that I can do for you before you go?" said the guard. "You didn't even want a special last meal!"
The inmate thought. "Actually," he said, "Music is my life. One thing I would really like would be to sing my favourite song, one whole time through, with no interruptions."
The guard nodded and told him to go ahead.
The inmate started, "One billion bottles of beer on the wall..."
A friend.
He is probably be someone in Australia as it is an email from Well, I hope I can find him out and have a drink(s) with him before I leave Oz in early Dec. ^_^
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Photo Highlight
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Unfortunately, i did not find any sun or beach or reef for today's trip because of the heavy rain. In my Lonely Planet, it said that September is the driest month in the Island and the average rainfall for this month is only 11 mm. So, i think we are so unlucky(or lucky?) that we met the rain during our time here.
By the way, we still have quite a lot of fun by doing some bushing walking in the rain. Some experience i haven't have too much and walking in the rain made me felt quite good. We still could spot some wildlife, such as Koala and rock wallabies, during our walk.
Tomorrow we'll leave this lovely island and head back to Cairns for the Great Barrie Reef and tropical rainforest.
Mei's Blog: Backpacking
Friday, September 22, 2006
Message from Queensland
Today is the second day of my tour. I am in Magnetic Island at the moment. We took 6 hours bus from Carins down south to Townsville, and then 20 minutes to the Island. So far we haven't see much things yet as we spent too many time on transpotation and other stuffs. But i think things must be better tomorrow as we will have enought time to explore the beauty of the Island and spend some time in the ocean.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
CO2 is good?
View: Global Warming and "Energy"
Friday, September 15, 2006
Two Movie Clips about Global Warming
Two movie clips to share:

(1) Futurama: Global Warming
This one is from my favorite animation Futurama. It uses a funny way to explain global warming. Al Gore also replays this clip in his movie An Inconvenience Truth.
It is an conversation between Al Gore and Blender about Gore's movie. Blender is the main character of Futurama.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
False Sense of Eco-Satisfaction

There are heaps of “environmentally friendly” or “eco-friendly” products/services in the market. However, using these kinds of products/services doesn’t mean that we are doing something good to our environment. One most common example is the use of biodegradable plastic bags.
Recently, I had an interesting discussion with a man in a liquor store about plastic bag alternative. The liquor man is quite conscious about environmental issues and he is already using different alternative to reduce his business’s plastic bag consumption. He chooses to use bio-degradable plastic bags as alternative as he thought other alternative such as paper or cardboard need to chop a lot of trees and it is not good to our environment, while bio-degradable is made from starch and other degradable material which won’t harm our environmental like normal plastic bags. He wants the Australian government to substitute billions of shopping bags with biodegradable bags to solve the environmental problems created by plastic bags.
To certain extent, he is correct. But there are still lots of issues related to biodegradable bags. First of all, many of them are not 100% degradable. Than, what kind of chemicals they release when they break down in water, sun and in landfill is still uncertain, and the leftover pieces could be just as harmful as normal plastic bags. There is also an issue of the short term harmful effect to wildlife: until biodegradable products actually break down they still pose the same danger as non-biodegradable plastic bags. What more important is using biodegradable shopping bags may promote littering as people think the bags will break down in the environment no matter how they are disposed of.
Having such false sense of eco-satisfaction is very dangerous as people are not able to recognize what is being wrong and fail to figure out further improvement. The other similar example is the use of green energy. Shifting to renewable energy is good to our environment but if our energy consumption behaviors do not change, our environment won’t be benefited too much by the shift. The root cause of most of environmental problems is all about our consumptive life style.
“Doing good to environment” and “doing less harm to our environment” are fundamentally different. People should not mix these two things together or our environmental progress will remain no change or even stepping backward. Indeed, we should do both things together. We also need to be more conscious about how “green” of those "environmentally friendly" products/services are as well as being more critical about how “green” of our consumption pattern of using these kinds of products/services.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Mice Hate Cheese

Caption: “No cheese please!” (Source: Sky News)
The popular legend is that mice like cheese, but this legend is false. According to a new scientific study, mice don't like cheese after all as they would reject something as strong in smell and rich in taste as cheese. They would rather have food with high sugar content such as chocolate or fruit.
I was quite surprised when I saw this news. Since I was a child, I have a strong belief, like millions of children, that the best way to catch a mouse is to entice it into a trap with a tasty chunk of cheese. I never doubt that. Now clearly the supposition of mice liking cheese is just a popular premise.
Well, I have no idea when and who started this myth. But for those who started this lie should have some sort of punishment as they'd created such a big lie!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Cryonics: Freezing for the future?

“Cryonics (often mistakenly called "cryogenics") is the practice of cryo-preserving humans or animals that can no longer be sustained by contemporary medicine until resuscitation may be possible in the future. The process is not currently reversible, and by law can only be performed on humans after legal death in anticipation that the early stages of clinical death may be reversible in the future”
– Wikipedia Definition
Recently, I heard a story from the TV about an American lady decided to “cryonics” herself before she finished her last breath. Put it into simple, Cryonics is the term for freezing humans to prolong life. People who chose to have Cryonic has a common belief that future medicine will enable molecular-level repair and regeneration their body, disease and aging are also assumed to be reversible after decades or a century. The program also said that people can have different options when doing a cryonics process: for entire body frozen is AUD$160,000, or just have the head preserved at the cut rate of AUD$80,000. The rationales of those who choose the head-only option are hoping that when they are brought back to life, science will give them new bodies as people don't want to bring someone 99.5 years old back in a 99.5-year-old body. The “company” Alcor who provides cryonics services claimed itself is a non-profit organization (located in Scottsdale and Arizona).
Similar to most of the experts and scientists, I am very skeptical about the reversibility of the processes. Although science already have shown that a frozen rabbit kidney can be defrosted and successfully reimplanted it in the living animal, restoring a frozen kidney to an animal in a lab is still a very long way from bringing back to life a human being. No-one has been able to capture the vast complexity of thoughts, memory and personality that makes us what we are. So, for me it is also ethically unacceptable.
Science fiction now is becoming science fact on a daily basis. It is just like what happens in the animation Futurama. Well I would like to live as long as I can, but definitely I don’t want to “prolong” my life for decades or centuries by this kind of freezing process.
News story: Back from the dead
If you want to bet on the future medicine: Cryonics Institute
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Seasons are Changing

Source: Political Cartoon by David Horsey
Just heard from the news today: the latest data gathered from Europe has provided "conclusive proof" that the seasons are changing, with spring arriving earlier each year, according to scientists. Based on a study of almost 600 plant and animal species, scientists are “extremely confident” that they show a very clear picture towards an early spring right across the board, i.e. it is arriving earlier than it did 30 years ago, on average a week earlier. Scientists are sure that global warming is the cause.
The study shows that "spring events" - such as plants flowering - are starting about 10 days earlier in the UK than 30 years ago. Spain is one of the countries who experienced the greatest increases in temperatures and saw the earliest spring seasons. The change in the timing of this key season has potentially huge implications. Some species may well benefit, but the danger is that there will be disruption to the food chain. Birds, for example, can adjust to warmer temperatures by flying to more northern areas in any given year, but the vegetation upon which they rely may take decades or longer to adjust. The long-term consequences of these changes are uncertain. Scientists also warn that this process of change isn't over.
Well, an earlier spring or a longer summer may sound like a great idea, but it will transform the landscape and the patterns of the wildlife living in it , and , what worries us is that plants and animals may not be able to adapt as well as we do.
News Link: Spring is leaping forward each year - experts
Friday, August 18, 2006
Decorations lead to death

Image Source:
Air pollution is a prominent problem in China and it has been drawing a lot of public/government attention for years, especially after Beijing won the bid for 2008 Olympic. However, another category of air pollution, the indoor air pollution, has always been omitted and now it is time to pay more attention due to the increasing cancer incident and medical expense related to this type of environmental problem. Recently, the China's first case of a child killed by toxic fumes given off by indoor decoration materials has come before the court and a compensation of 170,000 Yuan (AUD$27,900 ) was awarded to the plaintiff. The incident is about a four-year-old girl was diagnosed with acute leukemia and died in August 2005 after staying in her newly decorated apartment for 10 months.
In most developing countries, when they talk about indoor air pollution, it is always about the kitchen smoke generated from burning stalks, wood and low-quality coal. However, with rapid urbanization and development, indoor air pollution from buliding materials becomes a new member of the pollution catergory. China, for instance, the incidents of leukemia among children in the country’s metropolises is worsening within the past decades and there is a rising trend of the children of migrant workers catching blood diseases. In Beijing and Shanghai, the incidence of leukemia in children is 4.6 per 100,000, while the highest is about 7 in 100,000 in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. It is believed tha more than half of the blood cancer patients are victims of indoor air pollution from home and school refurbishment and decoration.
Indeed, air pollutants emit from architectural materials and building interiors has long been an issue in many developed countries. Over the past decade, increasingly stringent VOCs (voltaic organic compounds, the major indoor air pollutant) regulations have led to the development of water-based solvent and other alternatives for solvent-based paint. However, in most developing countries including China, they are still stick to solvent-based paint and other low quality building materials, that lots of such material are already abandoned or banned by developed countries.
I believed the reason behind is not only because of the lower environmental awareness/knowledge in developing countries but also the existence of wealth gaps. For most cleaner and better technology, it is very hard for the industry and the market in developing world to absorb without foreign aids. But in current global economic and politic systems, newer and cleaner technologies are always developed by private corporations and such technologies will only be transferred through the market instead of free transfer as humanity aids. It sounds to be again that injustice is one of the inherent characteristic of our society.
News link : Decorations lead to death
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Beer Lovers' Rationalization

“Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest.”
– The Buffalo Theory
It is from one of my friends’ email I received recently. He tried to show me a very valid reason for drinking beer by using Darwin’s Natural Selection Theory. In the email, the Buffalo Theory explains:
"When the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular culling of the weakest members.
In much the same way the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells.Excessive intake of alcohol, as we all know, kills off brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, constantly making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers!.”
If only this were true, we'd all be genius!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
An Inconvenient Truth

Caption: An Inconvenient Truth is the first climate documentary to get mainstream distribution. Former US vice President Al Gore is featured and is the narrator in the about the truths of global warming. Photo Source:Paramount Classics
"Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just 10 years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced. If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and doom - think again. This documentary offers a passionate and inspirational look at former Vice President Al Gore's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress."
AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH is a climate documentary made by the former US vice president Al Gore. I’ve been waiting for this movie for long time and it showed in the Sydney Film Festival few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I missed it… too bad! I have to wait until September when it is shown in the cinemas.
Some criticisms said that the motivation of Gore make the film is to gain publicity as he is a possible presidential candidate in 2008. However, the film also make a change in the cinematic landscape in which documentaries from all sides of the political spectrum are finding audiences and affecting the political conversation. No matter what is the motivation of the documentary, it still gives a powerful lecturer on climate as it borrow a Hollywood marketing playbook to propagandize impacts of climate change as well as raining people’s environmental consciousness.
Global warming has been a passion of Gore's since he was a student a Harvard University. After losing the presidential election and leaving office five years ago, Gore pulled together a nonpartisan slide show on the effects of global warming and took it on the road, making hundreds of appearances since then at universities and colleges, and for lawmakers, environmentalists and anyone else who will listen.
View Movie Trailers Here
Official Website: An Inconvenient Truth
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Too much money, Too less sport (2)

Days before the big kick-off, there also have been complaints from the German organisers that the marketing of this tournament has reached unacceptable levels.The amount of money paid by the World Cup sponsors rise sharply in past few years: US brewing giant Anheuser-Busch paid 40 million dollars (31 million euros) to be one of the 2006 World Cup’s 15 official sponsors, sparking outrage in Germany where all but one local beer will be banned from the stadiums in favor of Budweiser. Polls in Germany also showed that the public is growing sick of World Cup-related advertising and product tie-ins. Just wonder whether there have limits of money-making.
The side effect of money that ruins the sports not only can be found in the World Cup as it is also the core cause of the Italian match-fixing scandal. The Football Federation's prosecutor charged Juventus, AC Milan, Fiorentina and Lazio, as well as 26 individuals for sporting fraud and violating fairness and probity. Juventus almost certainly face relegation as a result of the scandal, while AC Milan may receive lighter punishment.
I am quite depressed by the news as once I was a very big fan of the Italian Serie A., especially during the age of Roberto Biaggio and the time when Del Piero started his career in Juventus. What is happening now is too bad...anyway, hopefully the scandal can give some sorts of lesson to the sports world.
More information: FIFA deny World Cup spoiled by money-making
Monday, June 26, 2006
Too much money, Too less sport

Sport is the world’s most common language. The World Cup,as one of the biggest sports events, it is supposed to be a platform of building bridges across boundaries and ethnic. However, due to its enormous profit making potential, every one just tries to to make big bucks from the global frenzy and distorts the real spirit of sports, I think.
In some cities and countries, the broadcasting right is snatched by paid TV and high prices are set which avoid some lower income groups and poor people to enjoy all the 64 matches. Although the first and the last few matches are broadcasted for free everywhere, watching the process of how the teams going to the final is definitely the heart of World Cup, but such right is being deprived from some poorer people. Sports is no longer being a bridge across different people, but a potential tool to deepen the problem of social injustic as some poorer social groups are being excluded in this universal event when money is involved. What is underlying the “sports spirit” nowaday is more likely refer to the partnership between football, the economy and television which need to find a way to benefit all sides. Sports now is a bit over commericalised and capitalised. So sad to reckon this reality.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
The Dirty Secret of China's Economy

China is a remarkable growth story. But it is also fast becoming an ecological wasteland, home to world-class smog, acid rain, polluted rivers and lakes, and deforestation. Environmental problems play a role in the death of some 300,000 Chinese people each year, according to World Bank estimates.”
- Brian Bremner, "Business Online"
It is quite true that with the China’s “Dragonomics”, it is unrealistic to expect China
The Chinese Government also suggested heaps of schemes to deal with different environmental problem, such as Green GDP etc. But many skeptics wonder whether all these are just done for greening the Beijing Olympics 2008 and the country will lose interest after the Game. Although I am also quit suspicious about the environmental program for the Beijing Olympics is some sorts of greenwashing, I am still optimistic that the Chinese Government does learn some lesson from the Western mordernisation. So, it is too early to say whether they will lose interest and will do badly in environmental protection after the Olympics. Let’s see.
More information:
The Dirty Secret of China's Economy
Green GDP — The Real Chinese Revolution?
Friday, June 23, 2006
Football, Solar City – Gelsenkirchen

Caption: Gelsenkirchen- a model to move dirty energy source to sustainable and clean solar energy (Photo Source: FC Schalke 04 and the City of Gelsenkirchen Official Website)
Immediately after the World Cup opening match in Munich on 9 June 2006, the second match of the tournament is kicked off at the FIFA World Cup Stadium Gelsenkirchen, a city once know “the city of a thousand fires” for its dependency on coal-mining, now has shifted its energy focus dramatically to become a national solar energy technology centre.
The city was once dominated by the coal industry, however, the coal crisis in the late 1950s brought about a structural change away from coal and steel. Today, Gelsenkirchen is more renowned for cleaner solar energy and has developed into a national business and research centre for solar technology. More than 21,000 of jobs in the renewable energy sector are also created throughout the transformation. Moreover, the end of coal to exploitation has also made way for a rich cultural landscape with mineshafts being replaced by theatres and cabarets.
Green power and solar energy debates have been lasted for years in Australia. However, moving to solar energy means a decentralization of electricity service and a reform of economy structure, which involves heaps of vested interests and large corporations. The myth between government-business relationship is definitely the biggest barrier for the clean energy transformation, from my point of views. That’s why the solar energy development in Australia is always stayed within the academic domain, while centralized nuclear energy plants development dominated the policy agendas in Oz.
(The next match in Gelsenkirchenis the quarter final between England/Ecuador and Portugal/Holland on 1 July. I do looking forward a good game in this Solar City!)
More about the city:
Science Park, Solar City, "Stairway to Heaven"
The history of the city of Gelsenkirchen
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Hydrogen Bus to Ferry Football Fans in Germany

Caption: Two hydrogen are being tested by football fans in
Football fans in
This project is a part of a sustainability development program HyFLEET to contribute to the establishment of a safe hydrogen infrastructure for the European future. The buses will be tanked at a service station that the station is itself part of the experiment: a steam reformer will generate, on site, gaseous or liquid hydrogen meeting the majority of the fuel needed to feed the buses. Fuel cells from a Sweden-based company will be used to power and heat the tank station. Fuel hybrid vehicles are used in other "Lion's cities”, such as Hannover and
However, when adopting new hybrid vehicles, questions about in what way the energy source is clean and renewable, what energy use to produce the hydrogen fuel cell and what are the negative environmental impacts associated should also bear in mind.
More Information:
First hydrogen buses for
Hydrogen Buses for Football Fans at the FIFA World Cup in
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
How China involves in the Germany World Cup
Although China is unable to qualify for the Germany World Cup, everyone one in Germany is still able to feel China’s “involvement”- it is because most of the flying German National flags are made in China!!
Some flags manufactures announced that the number of different national flags used in the Germany World Cup is far more than the number in 2002. In the past few months, one flag manufacturer already used more the 300 thousands square meter of clothes to make national flags and half of them are used for the German one’s. The company now produces 30 thousands flags every month instead of 150 before the World Cup. The cheap price of the flags(1 euro to 2 euro) is also another reasons for the drastic sales boost. It is believed that such cheap price is solely because they are “Made in China”!
Relater Article: How China involves in the Germany World Cup 2006 (Chinese Article)